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Fatal Glitch: Beta Revisions

Holly Ice

June has been fairly busy for me. First, I've been working on Courage Colony book two, The Welcome. This book is at the first draft stage and I got around 27,000 words into the predicted 70,000 word book when my beta readers for Fatal Glitch reported in.

Fatal Glitch then took priority and The Welcome was put on hold while I read through and dealt with beta reader comments on the prequel. Altogether there were 147 comments across six readers which works out at about 24 each. This is great for a 50,000 word book! Even better, many of the comments were positive remarks on dialogue or character, and many were very quick changes to word choice. This means that I've worked through these comments very quickly. I currently only have about five more comments to address, which shouldn't take long. Also, in a very exciting moment for me, I received and approved the eBook cover for Fatal Glitch. More on this once my beta edits are complete, so keep an eye out!

Last month I addressed the beta reader comments on the first book in the YA sci-fi series, The Approach. This book now requires a full read through after the prequel beta changes before it is sent for its professional copyedit. From there, only typos will be changed as the book gears up for publication, being formatted by me, and receiving its cover from the cover designer in September. I hope to publish The Approach shortly after the cover is in, in late September or early October 2019.

Overall, I feel like things are quickly moving towards publication now, and I'm excited to experiment with marketing and see how well my books are received in the market. I hope to find new readers who love my stories and that my characters stick in their minds just as much as they do in mine.

So, in short, in July I'll be finishing up the edits on Fatal Glitch, re-reading The Approach before its copyedit, formatting Fatal Glitch, and continuing the first draft of The Welcome. There will also be a cover reveal for the prequel and a surprise for those on my mailing list. I'm actually grinning at my screen thinking about the month ahead. Talk soon!

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