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The Russian Sleep Experiment Part III

Holly Ice

new grill 070a by jdurham morguefile.jpg

Everything is coming along nicely with The Russian Sleep Experiment novella. I finished the first draft of the part 3 at the end of the Chistmas holidays - around 2 weeks ago - and yesterday I sent my edit of this section to the publisher for their edit.

It feels like everything is coming together! The publisher and I have even seen a rough first draft of the front cover and the composition and atmosphere is already striking. I can't wait to see what the artist comes up with when he adds even more details for the final version.

I'm also looking forward to completing the final edits on this piece and putting my work out there to be read. I'll be nervous to see the project out the door so here's hoping all goes well.

The final section, part 3, is a return to the slow burning atmosphere of part 1. This third reaches a new level of isolation in the wilds of Siberia and follows some less well-known characters, characters not focused on in the original story.

More updates will be coming in the following weeks so keep an eye out to see when "Holly Ice" gets on the cover of this thing! Those who sign up to my mailing list on my about page get first notice of any publication.

Until I have something else to update, I'll be trying to find the determination to get cracking on editing the first novel of The Riftkeeper Series (more details are on my Upcoming Releases page).


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